Winston Churchill called the imaginary wall the ' iron curtain '<span />
It was first proposed in the mid 1850s by doctor Ignaz Semmelweis who believed it would reduce mortality rates. It became a widespread thing around 1900 when everyone started doing it because they realized how important decontamination was.
to Reagan, economic policies could cause war and a rise in inflation which
would result in the economy collapsing. Despite those opinions, he claims that
it did more help than harm by bringing about the longest peacetime expansion in
the history of the country. For instance, real family income up, the poverty
rate dropped, entrepreneurship boomed, and new technologies boomed.</span>
Southwest is the correct answer.
Answer given below.
It was challenging to abolish slavery from America because it was the backbone of the South economy. The South, before the Civil War, had more freedom to make its laws. Southerners broke from the government and formed the Confederate States with its constitution and currency. To stop the practice of slavery the Federal government role became crucial.
The Civil War lasted for four years because the South fought it well. After the war, slavery was officially ended and outlawed in the U.S. The nation unified as one and individual states placed under federal control.
The reason both were bitter to one another was the different ideas and destruction it brought. The South blamed the North for invading and destroying their economy. The North blamed the South for breaking up the Union and favouring slavery.