Port 443
This is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure that combines the HTTP with a cryptographic protocol, which can be used for payment transactions and other secure transmission of data from Web pages. Whenever you connect to a website beginning with "https://" or you see the lock icon, you’re connecting to that web server over port 443.
A feature of cryptography which is used to prove an end user's identity and prevent an individual from fraudulently reneging on an action is nonrepudiation.
<h3>What is nonrepudiation?</h3>
Nonrepudiation can be defined as an assurance that the sender of a message is given a proof of delivery and the recipient of this message is also provided with a proof of the sender’s identity, so none of them can deny having processed this message.
This ultimately implies that, nonrepudiation is a security service which has a feature of cryptography and it can be used to prove an end user's identity and prevent an individual from fraudulently reneging on an action
Read more on nonrepudiation here:
It's content will be replaced with a content from the source cell.
Some devices that depend on gravity to function include scales, showers, and satellites, to list a few.
<em>using System;
<em>public class Program
<em> public static void Main()
<em> {
<em> String input ;
<em> while(true)
<em> {
<em> input = Console.ReadLine();
<em> if(input.Equals(""quit""))
<em> break;
<em> Reverse_String(input);
<em> }
<em> return;
<em> }
<em>static void Reverse_String(string input_text)
<em> char[] text = input_text.ToCharArray();
<em> Array.Reverse(text);
<em> Console.WriteLine(text);
<em>In the above program a separate function is written to reverse the string.</em>
This method takes the string as an argument and place it in a array and then use the built-in function reverse and print the reversed string in the console.
<em>In the main(), the input is obtained from the console and it is passed to the reversestring().