the answer is x=0 and x=2
Step-by-step explanation:
Yes. Take for example a square and an ellipsis with the same perimeter. The family of ellipses with the same perimeter can have any area between that of a circle to zero (if it is extremely “thin” i.e. if its eccentricity is large). The circle has the maximum area of any other shape with the same perimeter, so the square has the same area of one of the intermediate ellipses.
If something is "to the power of 15" then it means it is multiplied by itself 14 times (one less than 15 as the original number is already to the power of 1).
An example:
So 2 to the power of 15, which we write as 215 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 etc... (so we have 15 written 2's in total meaning we will make 14 multiplications) is equal to 32,768.
Step-by-step explanation: