The statements:
A. The process releases energy that is used to make ATP.
B.The process releases energy in the form of heat.
C.The process requires energy that is provided by the sodium and potassium ions.
D.The process requires energy that is provided by ATP.
Neurons are the cells of the nervous system. The neurons pass information throughout the nervous system in the form of electricity. And that electricity is formed out a difference in charges inside the cell and outside the cell. This difference in charges BEGINS with a difference in positive charge in the cell. Now, neurons live in an aqueous environment where outside the cell Na+ and K+ concentrations are different. Inside the cell, K+ concentration is greater than outside whereas Na+ concentration is greater outside than inside. But there are more Na+ than K+, so Na+ tends to go inside the cell and K+ tends to go out the cell to keep the balance inside and outside (the same amount of Na+ and K+ in and out).
What sodium-potassion pump makes is keeping K+ inside and throw away Na+. This process costs energy because the cell is doing the opposite to the equilibrium state (the same amount of Na+ and K+ in and out) and has to throw away more Na+ than the amount of K+ that has to bring in (because there are more Na+ than K+). It is active transport of ions.
This difference in positive charges makes the first step in the electric potential to pass information through the nervous system.