status hierarchy
The status hierarchy is a system of stratification based on social prestige and this prestige can be linked to different things such as occupation, lifestyle, membership in certain organizations. When you board an airplane, the boarding order generally starts with first-class passengers, and then makes its way down to the coach class. Imagine you are boarding an aircraft, and you are in coach class. As you search for a place to store your luggage, you notice that the people in first class are already being served free wine and snacks. This an example of status hierarchy.
Ok the number of earthworms is 30 and if it is not 30 it would be 40.
La igualdad significa que todos los seres humanos tienen el mismo valor y deben ser tratados por igual. Así que necesitamos tratar a todos con respeto sin importar su raza, género, o si su parte de la comunidad LGBTQ, o con quién sales y quién eres. Así que es un derecho que necesitamos, y que tenemos que seguir. Al igual que "Las vidas negras importan". ( Black Lives Matter)
¡Espero que esto haya ayudado!
Translation in English
Equality means that all human beings have the same value and must be treated equally. So we need to treat everyone with respect regardless of race, gender, or whether they are part of the LGBTQ community or who your with and who you are. So it's a right we need, and a right that we need to follow. Just like "Black Lives Matter."
Hope this helped!