Goals of Union:maintain unity,maintain state sovereignty,defend home ground from enemy boost
Goals of Confederacy in Civil War: protect the institution of slavery,abolish slavery,international trade
Direct democracy or true democracy is a kind of democracy in which people choose policy leadership directly. This varies from the preponderance of most currently organized democracies, which are representational democracies. Possibly the most notable example of direct democracy was antique Athens. Although the Athenians prohibited women, slaves, and foreigners from voting, the Athenian democratic system needed all citizens to take a vote on all significant results.
It convinced the French and other European countries to join on the American side since it proved the Americans could beat the British.
A specific gravity of value below 1.020 in urine indicates relative hydration (enough water intake).
Water is essential for many reasons, including regulating body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing infections, delivering nutrients to cells, and keeping organs functioning properly. Hydration also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.
According to experts, the average woman should drink 11 cups of water per day, while men should drink 16 cups for being hydrated. And not all of those cups must be made of plain water; some may be made of water flavored with fruit or vegetables (lemons, berries, orange or cucumber slices), or coffee or tea. When you don't drink enough fluids, your kidneys try to conserve water by making your urine darker in color (more concentrated). Dark yellow urine indicates that you are dehydrated and should drink more fluids to avoid dehydration.
Learn more about water here:
Linda Tripp, who died Wednesday at age 70, was one of those people. She wanted to write a book about her life as a secretary in the White House for two presidents: George H.W. Bush, whom she adored, and Bill Clinton, who she thought was crass and immoral. She believed that she could write a book exposing Clinton’s infidelities and that history would remember her as a truth-teller and a whistleblower.
Instead, she became a supporting player in Clinton’s impeachment, stuck forever in the role of the duplicitous harpy who betrayed then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky by secretly recording their conversations.“Central casting couldn’t have cast a better villain,” she told the podcast “Slow Burn” in 2018. “The entire country had decided who I was, and it was evil incarnate.”
Obituary: Linda Tripp, whose taped calls with Lewinsky led to Clinton impeachment
Unfair? Of course it’s unfair. History is a narrative written by the winners, and Clinton was acquitted and thrived. Thanks, in part, to the #MeToo movement, Lewinsky has been able to transform her image from oversexed intern to a more accurate and nuanced characterization: a naive young woman swept up in an affair with a powerful man — in fact, the most powerful man in the world.