When you add any fractions, you need to find a common denominator. In this case they have no common factors so you just multiply them together. First multiply the first fraction by which gets you . Then multiply the second fraction by to get . Now you can add them together to get .
(b) now you can pull out root 2 and get which equals
A) We need a common denominator to be able to subtract the fractions, so by multiplying both the numerator and the <span>denominator of each fraction by the denominator of the other.</span> Then simplify the fraction: Then you can just subtract the nominators from each other, but leave the denominator as it is <span> </span>to get: and then you can simplify to get the final answer:
b) you need to have the number inside the root the same to add or subtract: Then you can 'take out' the numbers that square root easily: now you can just add and subtract using the whole numbers outside the root of 2 ( since 2 is a surd):