Held that Statutes of General Application are statutes that are applied by all civil and criminal courts and bind all citizens. ... In the case of Lawal vs Younan[3], the court decided that the Fatal Accident Act of 1846 and the Fatal Accident Act of 1864 are statutes of general application since they concern all citizens.
Morality is based on broadly-accepted societal norms, drawing from secular (humanistic, cultural, philosophical) and religious sources. Crime is referenced objectively, explicitly, transparently against the specific Law item that you've breached.
For statement 1. It is a positive to an extent. Stop sighs can often be covered in graffiti, which can began to cost more and more every time you repaint them. For statement 2 and 3. Traffic signals would cause less accidents because of the fact that they “force” you to stop, they give every car a chance to go, and give pedestrians the right of way to walk as well.
sorry i do not know number one.
Brandon Luna
He has handled over 5000 criminal cases as a former Deputy District Attorney and now offers his experience to you as a Criminal Defense Attorney. He started Luna Law to help good people who have made a mistake navigate through the confusing and often scary criminal justice system.