Stay safe online make sure not to give any personal info. Don’t talk to any strangers definitely if it can be prevented. If you feel uncomfortable and you feel like you are being used under any circumstances you need to tell a adult.
The answer is C because the correct answer paragraph is that “ Antiviral Drugs are a class of medication used for treating viral infections
The answer is the Immune system (a).
The immune system consists of agents that help your body fight against pathogens and other invading substances. It has your white blood cells, enzymes, mucus, hydrochloric acid (in your stomach), and even your saliva. All these substances help make sure your body is rid of anything that may bring harm to you!
They block sperm from reaching an egg.
Unlike the traditional birth control pill, the mini-pill has only the hormone, progestin. Taken daily, the mini-pill thickens cervical mucus and prevents the sperm from reaching the egg.
Using the following scenario, evaluate the relevance of the instructor's questions.
Emil is nine years old. He likes singing and listening to music. His parents are considering enrolling him in an orchestra camp for 9- to twelve-year-old children.
The instructor asks many questions to assess Emil's readiness. He is concerned when he hears that Emil is still dog paddling after taking swimming lessons, but is glad to hear that Emil enjoys taking voice lessons and that he responds well when his teacher corrects his spelling.