Defined as variation of life on Earth, biodiversity is the number and relative abundance of different species
Biodiversity is determined as the number of different species and the variation of their genetic material. If the number of species is high, then the biodiversity is also high. Area with high/rich biodiversity should be protected since it was home to many species. Using it for economical reason could lead to extinction of many creature.
None because they are children play toys not scientific tools!
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Formas: todas las bacterias se pueden clasificar en una de las tres formas básicas: esferas (cocos), bastones (bacilos) y espirales o hélices (espiroquetas). Necesidad de oxígeno: las bacterias también se clasifican en dos grupos, según si necesitan oxígeno para vivir y crecer o no les es necesario.
A) A hognose snake pretends it is dead to trick a predator.
Explanation:There is behavioral adaption and structural adaption. Behavioral adaption are actions animals take in order to survive their environments such as hibernation or migration. Structural adaption is a characteristic in a plant or animal's body that helps it to survive its environment such as camouflage. Answers B, C, and D are all examples of structural adaption.
Un elemento químico es un tipo de materia constituida por átomos de la misma clase. En su forma más simple, posee un número determinado de protones en su núcleo haciéndolo pertenecer a una categoría única clasificada por su número atómico, aun cuando este pueda desplegar distintas masas atómicas.