a&b blood
because it needs to be half mother and a father blood that why my answer is a&b blood
Supreme Court (top)
Courts of Appeal (middle)
District Courts (bottom)
"Function of a reservoir in a nutrient cycle is to meet the deficit which occurs due to imbalance in the rate of influx & efflux. Give an account of energy flow in an ecosystem."
the overlapping decreases between the thin and thick filaments.
When w extend our hand or arm to the full and try to lift any heavy object, we are unable to lift the object inspite of applying all our force. We struggle hard to lift the object with our fully extended arm because when we extend our arm fully it decreases the overlapping of our thin and the thick filaments of our muscles which makes it difficult to lift. In other words, the resting length of our arm is the optimal length to generate force.
D Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes separate during meiosis and causes variations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species
During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate and segregate independently of each other. This process is referred to as 'independent assortment'. In consequence, different gene variants or 'alleles' localized in homologous chromosomes segregate independently of each other during gamete formation, thereby one particular gamete has an equal probability to carry either of these segregating alleles. Independent assortment generates genetic variation in the gametes, which can be beneficial or deleterious in a given environment.