Protiens-Amino acids which means Storage; Signals; Structural; Contractile; Defensive; Enzyme; Transport; Receptors
Lipid-Fatty acid and glycerol which means Energy storage; Protection; Chemical messengers; Repel water
carbohydrate- Monosaccharides some examples are Glucose, Fructose, Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose so that means Energy storage; Structure
nucleic acid- which is pentose, nitrogenous base, phosphate AKA
Nucleotides also known as DNA, RNA which mean that it is Genetic information
hoped this helped i letiray just got done with biology
After 6 hours
Functions in oxygen begin to decrease after 6 hours
(1) The defective enzyme, which was suppose to break down drugs, is an oxidoreductase. Since, enzymes that break down drugs or metabolic enzymes perform there functions by oxidizing the drugs.
(2) Both codes are triplet codes for the enzyme; however the normal triplet code ought to be ATT, however there was a point mutation causing the "A" to be "C". These letters represent the bases in the DNA, <u>ATT is adenine-thymine-thymine while CTT is cytosine-thymine-thymine.</u>
(3) Further medications Henry is prescribed could include been taken with a drug/enzyme that will breakdown the actual medication.