D. Feedback
Feedback is a negative message that the person gives to the company in order to the company improves the product or the service. Sometimes it is necessary to adopt a posture that is displeasing to someone but will result in improvements, both for the individual who has experienced negative feedback and for the organization, which will benefit from management that does not compromise excellence in its results.
one reason why healthcare sytemshave increased is because there are more people on this earth and not alot of familys cant afford healthcare
The correct answer is c. modify her environment.
As Teresa is preparing herself to eat healthier and has created a plan of action to help reach that goal so meeting with her friends at the fast-food restaurant should be avoided because if she will go to fast food restaurant than there will be chances to eat fast food by her which will obstruct her to reach the goal.
Therefore Teresa knows that she needs to modify her environment from fast-food restaurants to the library so that she can meet her goal by avoiding fast food. Therefore the correct answer is c. modify her environment.
What could you do with that ice its gonna be dirty then. Unless its talking about before then just pour some water on it to get the other drinks submerged in some cold water instead of having them sit on top. In fact were the h are your answer choices did you not get any? They would really be helpful right now.