The Calvin cycle has four main steps: carbon fixation, reduction phase, carbohydrate formation, and regeneration phase. Energy to fuel chemical reactions in this sugar-generating process is provided by ATP and NADPH, chemical compounds which contain the energy plants have captured from sunlight.
If not then sorry I tried my best to help out.
Social activism will definitely help to fight social challenges as when the whole society comes forward and stand against such challenges it makes the process of eradicating the problems and challenges of society easier. Social challenges are those challenges which the society face as a whole and these challenges are a problem for the whole society and not just a person.
Turtles belong to the order <u>Testudines</u><u>.</u>
Snakes and marine iguanas below to the order <u>Squamata Oppel</u>
<h3>What are reptiles?</h3>
Reptiles are the animals in the class Reptilia, a paraphyletic grouping comprising all sauropsids except birds. Living reptiles comprise turtles, crocodilians, squamates and rhynchocephalians.
The marine iguana, also known as the sea iguana, saltwater iguana, or Galápagos marine iguana, is a type of iguana that can only be found in the Galapagos Islands. It is a marine reptile that can forage in the sea for algae, which accounts for nearly all of its diet, making it unique among modern lizards.
Turtles are a type of reptile known as a Testudine, and they have a shell made primarily of their ribs. The Pleurodira and Cryptodira groups of modern turtles are distinguished by the way their heads retract.
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Paleontologists didn't have the technology in that time to get a good estimation on the events. Back then, they had to rely on natural sources "markers" that made the estimations. Those estimations weren't accurate. Today's measures are accurate.
The glycolysis occurs in the citosol, the pyruvate oxidation occurs in mitochondrial matrix. The citric acid cycle takes place in the mitochondrial matrix and the oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
There are several enzymes located in the cytosol of the cell that degrade glucose to generate two pyruvate molecules (glucose that has 6 carbons is broken down into two pyruvate molecules, which have 3 carbons each)
The pyruvate generated from glycolysis leaves the cytosol and enters the outer membrane of the mitochondria and then passes to the mitochondrial matrix. Within the mitochondrial matrix, pyruvate undergoes oxidative decarboxylation where the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase is finally constituted.
Inside the mitochondrial matrix, the pyruvate dehydrogenase binds with coenzyme A, and this begins the citric acid cycle where they also bind to the oxal acetate and cycle the acid. The reactions release carbon as CO2 and NAD + and FAD + are reduced to NADH and FADH2, respectively.
In the inner membrane of the mitochondria. NADH and FADH2 re-oxidize and release protons and electrons. Protons pass into the intermembrane space, while electrons enter the mitochondrial matrix after passing a complex protein system. As the proton output has a gradient in favor, there is a decrease in the pH in the mitochondrial matrix, but they are returned to its interior by an ionic channel. These protons join with O2 molecules and generate water. Next to this ionic channel is the ATP synthetase that uses energy to convert ADP + P into ATP