The answer is more complicated than a simple yes and no.
The United States has historically not been able to provide sovereignty to Native Americans over their own land due to the conflicting doctrine of a Westward expansion.
Many natives were initially killed or at best, forced out of their homes to move farther away from United States land. However, as expansion became inevitable, the US government was involved in massacres to remove natives and annex large parts of land.
Today, the United States government has tried to right the wrongs of the past by giving hundreds of 'Reserves' which are like countries within countries where Native American tribes have their own laws and way of lives.
The united nations was formed after ww2. The UN Charter sets out four main purposes: Maintaining worldwide peace and security. Developing relations among nations. Fostering cooperation between nations in order to solve economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international problems.
Answer: Matthew and John
Matthew and John are the two writers who were close disciples of Christ. They are among the twelve apostles and two of four evangelists of Jesus.
Matthew was a tax collector Capernaum and John was the "Beloved Disciple" mentioned in the Fourth Gospel. The other two evangelists were Mark and Luke.
As additional forces came to Alaric’s side, Emperor Honorius did little to help the city and oppose Alaric. The Goths were still viewed as barbarians and no match for the armies of the empire. Although the treasury was virtually empty, the Senate finally succumbed, and wagons left the city carrying two tons of gold, 13 tons of silver, 4,000 silk tunics, 3,000 fleeces, and 3,000 pounds of pepper. Alaric eased the siege, still hoping to negotiate terms, but Honorius remained blind to the seriousness of the situation. While temporarily agreeing to Alaric’s demands - something he never intended to honor - 6,000 Roman soldiers were sent to the city but were quickly defeated by Alaric’s brother-in-law Athaulf.