Mike was always interested in being popular, so during his sophomore year in high school he began to use marijuana so he would f
it in. After using it for little over a year, he began to need it to relax, and he also had to use more of it to get the same effect. He then started to use cocaine to get the same effect. He noticed that when he was not under the influence of the drug, he felt irritable and anxious. Judging only from what you know of Mike, what risk factor played the biggest role in the development of his addiction?
The risk factor is that he is going to keep going, not focus on his work, and have health problems.
Mike is going to need to go to an addiction center to remove his addiction. Since he used the drug, lots of damage is already done to his lungs. His health is not going to recover unless he quits. If he continues to do it, he will eventually die a earlier death. The risk factor is his health deterioration.