Is that correct?
A comma ( , ) is not needed in this sentence
The protagonist would be Cinderella
It is a compound sentence because it has a word to connect 2 pieces of thoughts
The correct answer is D)
oompa loomba body rachel told me
This is a good question to mull over. What exactly are you told? Multiple choice doesn't allow you to stray much from that point. The main point is that she was illuminated from the light coming from the open door. It doesn't suggest we go hunting for what that might mean.
However the commentary does (that's your second sheet). It defines dark. It defines light and it defines blind and bland.
With this set of comments in mind, let's choose an answer.
A is likely true. But is that what we are told? The commentary hints at it, but we have not gotten into the narrator's head. Not yet. We'll come back to this if we have to.
He's not confused. Not here anyway. I wouldn't pick B.
C Maybe. That's more hinted at in the commentary than it is in the single sentence we have to work with. I would say it is too big a leap. I wouldn't choose it.
D since this is mentioned in the commentary, it can't be eliminated.
E we have no hint of this, even if it is true, which it could be.
So what are we left with?
A and D with a small nod (very small) to C.
I think I'd go with A, but I wouldn't be the least surprised if it was one of the other 2. If you feel that D is the better answer, go with it. This is a coin tossing time.