You should avoid making snap judgements if you want to become more empathetic.
Having empathy for someone else means that you can understand what they are feeling and you have respect for their perspective and their view of the world. You can commiserate with them to some extent if they are having difficulties and you reserve judgment if the person does something egregious or you see them suffering because you can imagine what it would be like to be in their shoes.
We need to increase the number we have German D I mean GDP we have the US doesn't increase are we increasing yes we are so what's the treaty so what's my company tell me the company is right in front of us so we're looking around to see the increase
Social learning theory approach to personality emphasizes the importance of observation and learning.
Personality is the characteristic units of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional styles which might be fashioned from organic and environmental elements, and which trade over time.
Persona refers to the long-lasting traits and conduct that comprise a person's particular adjustment to life, such as main traits, pastimes, drives, values, self-concept, abilties, and emotional styles.
Learn more about personality