Samuel was called to minister as a prophet.
World War I's impact on women's roles in society was immense. Women were conscripted to fill empty jobs left behind by the male servicemen, and as such, they were both idealized as symbols of the home front under attack and viewed with suspicion as their temporary freedom made them "open to moral decay. Even if the jobs they held during the war were taken away from the women after demobilization, during the years between 1914 and 1918, women learned skills and independence, and, in most Allied countries, gained the vote within a few years of the war's end. The role of women in the First World War has become the focus of many devoted historians in the past few decades, especially as it relates to their social progress in the years that followed.
The correct answer is C. The Arab Spring protests reflected global cultural diffusion because they relied heavily on global communication technology to succeed.
The role that the Internet played in these revolutions and social networks is being widely discussed among those who defend it as a great cause of the revolts and who cite it simply as a change in the media and never as a profound cause. In any case, the rapid communication through the Network has served to have their own characteristics, such as spontaneity and the clear absence of leadership. In the Egyptian case, in addition, Internet was revealed so important that it was banned by the government along with mobile phones and, a few days later, to the Al Jazeera television network, which was broadcasting 24 hours on the Internet. However, the Egyptians have been able to communicate through ruses and old technologies such as fax.
It was used as an engine in locomotive trains, & also in steam boats. it also helped create electricity which allowed things such as morse code & synchronization of the world’s clocks.
Maritime trade is when you trade by sea and boat. They had ports that people sailed in and out of. The other civilizations used these ports as well, in the Afro Eurasian zone. The concept of having ports has carried into the modern age as well.