To convert hexadecimal number 11BA to decimal, follow these two steps:
Start from one's place in 11BA : multiply ones place with 16^0, tens place with 16^1, hundreds place with 16^2 and so on from right to left
Add all the product we got from step 1 to get the decimal equivalent of 11BA.
Using the above steps, here is the work involved in the solution for converting 11BA to decimal number (Don't forget that we start from ones place to so on...)
Decimal equivalent of "A" = (A) 10 × 16^0 = 10
Decimal equivalent of "B" = (B) 11 × 16^1 = 176
Decimal equivalent of "1" = 1 × 16^2 = 256
Decimal equivalent of "1" = 1 × 16^3 = 4096
Decimal equivalent of "11BA" = 409625617610
11BA = 4538
Here is the final answer, The hexadecimal number 11BA converted to decimal is therefore equal to:
Idek but hope u figure it out!
The answers are: an IP datagram, and 3 forwading tables.
An IP datagram sent from a source host to a destination host will travel through 8 interfaces. 3 forwarding tables will be indexed to move the datagram from source to destination.
bears = {"Grizzly":"angry", "Brown":"friendly", "Polar":"friendly"}
for bear in bears:
if bears[bear] == "friendly":
print("Hello, "+bear+" bear!")
A dictionary called bears is given. A dictionary consists of key-value pairs.
You need to check each key-value pairs in bears and find the ones that have "friendly" as value using a for loop and if-else structure. In order to access the values of the dictionary, use the dictionary name and the key (inside the loop, the key is represented as bear variable). If a key has a value of "friendly", print the greeting. Otherwise, print "odd".