A web application starts when a client sends a request to a server
According to its structure I'd say that this is SEAL (<span>Software-Optimized Encryption Algorithm). It's difficult to describe how it works, because this kind of ciphers is very tricky. This algorithm uses 160 bit key and it uses 3 tables (R, S, T) to encode and decode.
I'll attach the image where you can see a process of creating a pseudo-random function:
When programming in an OOP language classes are created to represent real-life objects, people, places etc. from the real world. Programming in the general allows you to cut down your code and making it more efficient by applying the same necessary functions to all of the objects that classify under the same category. For example by programming "in the general" and creating an Animal class you can create all of the functions/behaviors that animals tend to have. Then you can apply these functions/behaviors to various animals such as a Cat, Dog, Horse, etc. But if you program in the specific you cannot apply a Cat class to a Dog since they are not the same thing.
When the email was sent as a group email