The base for carrying financial transactions. A savings account can be used to send and receive payments and it serves as a base for all transactions. ...
Nominal interest rates. ...
Minimum average balance. ...
Passbook and cheque facility. ...
Additional benefits. ...
All of the business has their break down if they didn't make another action to make they business stay in the market, most business man has they own knowledge and strategies on how they will make they product famous. Based on this action, Dominos Pizza most likely to do next is Ask its customers for unique topping suggestions.
A perfectly elastic demand curve means that the firm can sell as much output as it chooses at the current price.
The perfectly elastic demand implies that the demand curve is horizontal line parallel to the X axis. The price is fixed at a point and the firm can sell any amount of output at this point. The demand is infinite at the given price level. If the firm makes any changes in this price level, the demand will become zero.
Capitalized Expenditures:
2. Added a new wing onto the office building.
5. Had an engine rebuilt in one of their fleet cars.
Capitalization is the process of delaying the full recognition of an expense for the acquisition of a new asset with long-term life so that the costs can be treated as an expense gradually over its useful life through an accounting method known as depreciation or amortization.
The criteria for capitalizing expenditure depend on whether the expenditure is necessary to bring the asset to the condition and location where it can be operated as desired by the management. It must also meet the threshold amount set by management for capitalization. This is because some assets can be used for more than one year and still they are not regarded as capital assets. Example is a stapling machine that costs less than a dollar.