<span>A tsar was removed from the people and was rarely seen.
The tsar of the early 1900s was an absolute monarch with much control and answered little to the people. Though there were attempts at reform and the creation of a representative body called the Duma, the Tsar, especially Nicholas II, was known to shut it down or event attempted to remove it. Nicholas II would be the last tsar of Russia being forced to abdicate, step down, his throne in 1917. </span>
You know that you're actually listening to the president, and that they didn’t get a speech writer to write a speech that doesn’t sound like they wrote it.
I had to do this for my history class and this is what I put
In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union.Gorbachev saw that the arms race with the United States and the war in Afghanistan had the potential to bankrupt the Soviet Union. Gorbachev was a reformer. He believed that political and economic reforms went together, and if the Soviet economy was not reformed, it could collapse Under his policy of glasnost—speaking openly about Soviet problems—Soviet citizens were allowed to criticize the government.Finally, Gorbachev wanted to improve relations with the United States. In 1987, Gorbachev and Reagan agreed to a new arms treaty in which the Soviet Union and the United States each pledged to eliminate short- and medium-range nuclear missiles.