Indirect characterization through the narrator’s eyes
soray if it wrong
an allegory is a story, poem, or picture, it’s used to reveal a hidden meaning or message, like the moral. Allegories are exciting because they use characters and events to convey a meaning. They don’t just come right out and say it.
Follow these steps to spot allegory in literature. Look for a didactic theme or moral tone in the work. Allegory is often used as an embodiment for moral qualities and messages as in Aesop's Fables. The story itself is constructed in such a way as to convey a central theme or lesson.
If you need any further assistance please let me know.
Romantic irony emphasizes the sarcastic jokes of love and affection.
Man I wish love was a chicken.
So this question is structured in such a way that makes it look like there is an article or paragraph to be studied before answering. Given that none of the above is indicated specifically, we can still answer from general knowledge about UAE and the world generally.
United Arab Emirates (UAE) ranks very high on a global scale in the area of healthcare.
These rankings have been arrived at after series of research involving questionnaires. One particular research drew the above conclusion based on the opinion of almost over 3000 business executives in over 20 countries. 40% of that number agreed that Dubai was ahead in healthcare innovation compared to Malaysia, India, Finland, and Italy.
The foremost contenders in this universe for the best healthcare globally, arranged in the order starting from the best and runner ups are:
- US
- Japan
- China
- Germany and
- United Kingdom