What is a transformation?
The first book about transformations is the well-known work "Metamorphosis" by Ovidio. The transformation implies a change. In literature, you can find a transformation when an object passes from a state A to a state B. For example, in a horror story a person can go from being the friend of the protagonist to being possessed.
The transformation in the horror stories is unexpected. The surprise factor is essential in this cases. The horror stories present the circumstances in such way so as later can be different.
Children have the same rights as adults. As a vulnerable group, children have particular rights that recognize their <u>special need for protection</u> and also that help them <u>develop their full potential.</u> Children’s rights are defined in a wide spectrum of economic, civil, political and social rights. These rights have been labeled as the right to protection and right to empowerment. One right that children have is the:
<u>Right to provision</u>: Children have a right to be provided with a good standard of living, education and services, health care and a right to play. These include access to schooling, a balanced diet and a warm bed to sleep in. They also have a right to be <u>protected from neglect, abuse, discrimination and exploitation</u>. The views of the child are given weight according to the maturity and age of the child. A child can participate in the sense of taking part or being present or participate in the sense of knowing that one’s actions are taken note of and may be acted upon. The extent to children’s participation will vary between and within societies. Protection rights protect the children against exploitation and abuse for the best interest of the child while in participatory rights; children take part in decisions concerning their lives and a right to freedom of conscious and to hold an opinion. Adults and their children’s views may not always <u>coincide</u>. Many children’s wishes and views are <u>ignored</u> by the adults for the "best" interest of the child. Every child is entitled to have a name and a nationality.The child’s name, birth date and parents’ names are recorded, when a child is given a name at birth, he or she is not given an opportunity to choose a name for himself or herself. The parents do this for the best <u>interests</u> of the child.The child may however, decide to change its name upon reaching the age of maturity <u>(18)</u>. In this case the child is denied a right to participate in choosing its name at first but at later stages of <u>development</u>; the same child can participate in the same by changing to its desired name. A child is to be protected from all forms of punishment or discrimination <u>regardless of their age, race, sex, religion, status, and/or expressed opinions, activities and beliefs of the family members</u>. As much as a child has a right to religion, to express their opinion, or equality regardless of their age, these are sometimes restricted by their parents or legal guardians. For instance, a child is not at liberty to join a religion cult without the parents’ <u>interference</u> (Consent). It is not because the child is denied its freedom to worship but it’s for the best interest of the child, and also the safety of the child
John Donne: Poems Summary and Analysis of Meditation 17 ... of at least two popular quotations: “No man is an island” and (not his exact words) “Ask ... He wonders if the person is aware that the bell has sounded for him. ... Jonathan Swift and John Donne: Balancing the Extremes of Renaissance England
People are known to have musical knowledge embedded in them. The summary is given below:
<h3>What is the article He Sees Music", on Achieve 3000 about?</h3>
Achieve3000 is known to be a site that was founded by Saki Dodelson. They were said to have featured Matthew Whitaker in their article.
Matthew Whitaker is known to be an a young man from Hackensack, New Jersey who is completely blind. He was said to have been diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity that lead to his blindness at birth.
The article revolves around him as this Young man only have to hear music and he can transform it to sometime extraordinary and make it his own. The article is centered around his unique gift and talent taht even though he is blind, he sees music.
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