The <em><u>zany</u></em> scientist performed <u><em>odd </em></u>experiments to entertain the audience.
Say to the teacher that "I'm to old to read this multiple choice" and say "
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long, red, black should be the adjectives
(For reference, I'm 17 and am responding as such)
Cleaning, studying, sporting activites.
While there are people who do these things, they prove to be on the whole uncommon activities. If these things are being done it is likely they don't consider the time they do these things with 'free time'.
We prefer to relax, be unbothered, and see what's going on on Y0uTube or social media, or just watch TV.
The largest use of household water is to flush the toilet, followed by taking showers and baths. Toilets account for nearly 30 percent of an average home's indoor water consumption. Older, inefficient toilets can use as much as three to six gallons per flush.