Answer: Outline your steps to take action, know what supplies or things you may need and choose one of your ideas(or more) to act upon.
It should be puberty because once a female starts her menstrual cycle she is able to become pregnant. The same should go for guys when it comes to their sperm becoming "active" in other words
The right answer is Joints (or ligaments more precisely).
Muscle is the contractile structure that produces strength. It has components that allow it to be shortened to create what is called a muscle contraction.
The joint is junction of two parts of the skeleton allowing them relative mobility.
The ligament is an elastic structure that stabilizes the joints. It therefore attaches from one bone to another.
I would say stretching everyday. That is what makes more sense to me, but I could be incorrect.
If a person wasn't doing much physical activity before, I doubt they could just get up and do things two - four times a week. But, I also don't know your material.
Some ways in which communicable diseases spread are by: physical contact with an infected person, such as through touch (staphylococcus), sexual intercourse (gonorrhea, HIV), fecal/oral transmission (hepatitis A), or droplets (influenza, TB)
If you caught that disease from another person or animal, it is called a communicable disease. These illnesses are usually caused by viruses or bacteria and are passed through the air, through contact with contaminated surfaces, or through contact with bodily fluids. Examples include colds, the flu, or HIV
Yuh im also in health..
based on my knowledge, a communicable disease is any disease that can be spread person to person, like a contagious disease like the flu.