The program displays 5 4 3 2 1 and then raises an Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
A sample of code output is attached.
The code snippet contain xMethod that takes an array and array length as argument.
In the given snippet, the array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and length (5) is passed as argument to the method.
First the method display the element of the array in reverse order
System.out.print(" " + x[length - 1]);
and then the method call itself again. This displays
5 from x[4]
4 from x[3]
3 from x[2]
2 from x[1]
1 from x[0]
but after displaying 1, when it tries to call the method again, an array index out of bound exception is thrown because it will try accessing an element from the array when it is already exhausted.
Bandwidth is the rate of transfer of data in the given time. Its unit is Bit/sec.
It is used to measure the transfer rate of bit in a network.
I don’t think we should because we all have our one choices that we should achieved and we should show
Here's ur answer
(i) Should consist of standardized and acceptable symbols. (ii) The symbols should be correctly used according to flowcharts rules. (iii) Should have short, clear and readable statements written inside the symbols. (iv) It must have clear one starting point and one ending point.
The answer is user EXEC mode. This is for setting, viewing, and testing system processes. In common, the user EXEC commands let you to link to remote devices, modify terminal line settings on a temporary basis, perform basic tests, and list system information. This also used by common system administrators, while the privileged EXEC mode is used by the root administrator. Use the enable and disable instructions to shift between the two levels. Access to the user-level EXEC command line needs a valid password.