To keep the medical records confidential otherwise, hackers would take advantage of them and sell them to the highest bidder
The following code is written in Python. It creates a variable that detects the current time. Then it loops through a range of numbers and chooses the last random number after 2 seconds. Finally, it prints that number to the screen. This function can be called countless times depending on the number of state lottery numbers needed.
import random
import time
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < 2:
lottery_number = random.randint(0, 48)
Disable SSID Brodcasting, Lower Radio Power Levels, Enable MAC Filtering
1 Ms word - b. Word processing software
2 Pagemaker - c desktop publishing
3 Ms excel - f finance and data analyses
4 dbase - a database management system
6 Mcafee/Norton - d anti-virus software
7 virus - h computer program that can replicate itself
8 inbox, compose,.............. - parts of an email account
You'll need $3,500 extra calories to gain one pound of fat.