<span>Select the slide that you want to insert a table on.On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Excel Spreadsheet.<span>To add text to a table cell, click the cell, and then enter your text</span></span>
Group Policy, change the setting "Turn off the upgrade to the latest version of Windows through Windows Update," which can be found in Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Update.
Doing so sets the registry value described in the rest of this step. Note that for Home versions of Windows 7 and 8.1, where the Group Policy editor is not available, editing the registry is the only option.
To make this change with Regedit, navigate to the following key.
Important: If that key doesn't exist, you'll need to create it.
Create a DWORD value called DisableOSUpgrade and set it to 1. (If that sentence makes no sense, you probably shouldn't be using Regedit.)
Here’s one!
Given [math]R[/math], the radius of the circle.
Let [math]N,D\leftarrow 0[/math]
Repeat until [math]D[/math] is large enough (about 1,000,000)
[math]x,y\leftarrow U[0,1][/math]
If [math]x^2 + y^2\le 1[/math] then [math]N\leftarrow N+1[/math]
[math]D\leftarrow D+1[/math]
Return [math]P[/math]
[math]U[0,1][/math] is a uniform random number in the range [math][0,1][/math].
function MinMax($x,$y) {
if($x > $y){
echo("The minimum is ".$y." and the maximum number is ".$x);
echo("The minimum is ".$x." and the maximum number is ".$y);
This defines the user function with two parameters x and y
function MinMax($x,$y) {
This checks if parameter x is greater than parameter y
if($x > $y){
If yes, it prints x as the maximum and y as the minimum
echo("The minimum is ".$y." and the maximum number is ".$x);
If otherwised
If yes, it prints y as the maximum and x as the minimum
echo("The minimum is ".$x." and the maximum number is ".$y);
This calls the function