Para realizar la fotosíntesis las plantas necesitan varios elementos que se encuentran en el medio ambiente.
Energía luminosa: impacta sobre las hojas y es absorbida por el pigmento fotosensible de la planta, la clorofila.
Agua: La fotosíntesis requiere un suministro constante de agua. Ésta llega a las hojas a través de las raíces y tallos.
Clorofila: Pigmento de color verde contenido en el cloroplasto. Se encarga de la absorción de la luz, para llevar a cabo la fotosíntesis.
Dióxido de carbono: Es absorbido por unos minúsculos poros, llamados estomas, en la parte inferior de la hoja.
Oxígeno: subproducto de la fotosíntesis. Sale de las hojas hacia el exterior a través de lasestomas.
There is no food web attached to this question but it can be answered because matter flows uniformly through trophic levels in all food webs.
The correct answer is;
A. matter from consumers, such as the green lynx spider, is eventually recycled by decomposers, such as a fungus.
A food web is an interconnected series of food chain showing how organisms feed on one another to obtain energy. A food web always start with a unique set of autotrophic organisms i.e. capable of producing their own food called PRODUCERS. Producers such as the cutleaf daisy in this question create the organic matter via the process of photosynthesis, which gets transferred to organisms that feed on them called CONSUMERS e.g green lynx spider
Consumers are heterotrophic i.e rely on other organisms for source of energy. As they feed on other organisms and get fed on, the matter gets transferred until the last consumer dies. The dead matter in the dead organism gets decomposed by organisms called decomposers e.g fungi and it gets recycled back into the soil as nutrients for use by plants.
Therefore, dead matter from consumers, such as the green lynx spider, is eventually recycled by decomposers, such as a fungus.
B) Lysosome
Lysosomes are cell organelles that found in eukaryotic cells. Lysosomes consists of a double membrane as a covering and an interior made up hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes, which also known as digestive enzymes, have specific various catalytic functions in the breaking down of proteins and other complex molecules. Some examples of these hydrolytic enzymes that is found bounded in lysosome include proteases,glycosidases, phosphatases.
Lightning or two wires touching each other