Doctors today would cure the Bubonic plague with a consistent treatment of antibiotics.
It is important for doctors to do so, so that they can prescribe the proper treatment. If they do not know how a certain body function works, it can lead to a lot of additional problems
One drug that is important for 7th graders to know about in my opinion, would be marijuana since it is the most easiest to obtain. It is commonly sold on the streets and easy to get away with. Marijuana damages the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling emotions, memory, and the automatic nervous system. Long-term effects would be bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory problems, and problems with the kidneys and liver. People may choose to smoke marijuana to help with their issues or as a form of relaxation. Many claim it helps with anxiety and depression. Some choose not to participate in drug activities so they can have a healthy body. The title of my presentation would be informational yet catching, I may title it something like “The Truth Behind Drugs”, “What Does Marijuana Actually Do”, “Why You Should Avoid Highs”.
Hope this helps.
Environmental scanning is the process of gathering information about events and their relationships within an organization's internal and external environments. The basic purpose of environmental scanning is to help management determine the future direction of the organization.
Respuesta: RR o Rr
Un alelo rojo presente en al menos una
de dos cromosomas homólogos.
Dado que el rojo es dominante, solo
un cromosoma necesita un alelo rojo en
para que la planta tenga flores rojas.