With an idealized view of what life was like in the Mid-West, and the realization that the growing number of homeless children in the city would one day result in a serious crime problem, Brace began his “placing out” program in 1854 with a group of forty-six boys traveling by train to Michigan with an agent.
the emergence of capitalism, European imperialism, efforts to mine coal, and the effects of the Agricultural Revolution. Capitalism was a central component necessary for the rise of industrialization.
The history of America started in 1492.
The story of America begin in 1492 with the arrival of Christopher Columbus who was an Italian explorer. Before 1492, the america is a place where the culture of the native people progress and free from the European contact and their conflict. With the discovery of America made by Christopher Columbus, the Italian started colonizing in these areas due to attaining resources such as gold, silver and other valuable products.
Reduces their power--elites in Latin America control economic and political aspects of society. Reforms would provide more groups with rights, reducing the influence of the elite.
In any country, elites often control the means of production and the political system. Reforms, especially coming from lower classes or oppressed groups, would potentially reduce the power and influence the elite group has. This has been true through many revolutionary movements.