More water means more pee (theoretically). Pee is actually just garbage materials from the body (toxins). These color the urine. The more you drink, the more you have to pee and just pee clean because all toxins are out, or you have more water to take out the toxins, having less of it per let's say 0.5 l
Some fungi help trees and other plants to grow. Because the fine threads that make fungal mycelium can spread over long distances, fungi can capture water and nutrients from far away and bring them back along the fine threads and close to plant roots.
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The earth is made of several subsystems or spheres that interact to form a complex and continuously changing (dynamic) state that is termed as the earth system.
Even though the earth system is a closed system, it self regulates through the subsystems such as the water cycle and carbon cycle.
The earth system is characterized by numerous overlapping cycles in which matter is recycled over and over again. Cycles involve multiple spheres and systems interactions. Humans impact and are impacted by the cycles in various ways.
Statements thar are true:
Some organisms have phenotypes that make them better increase chances of reproduction.
Natural selection continues to occur even today
Phenotypes found In the most successful members of a species become the most prevalent after several generations.
It is not true that all organisms must compete for survival, sometimes the conditions are good and there is enough food or good climate conditions and that makes no need of competition an increase in the individuals of the species.
Animals undergo natural selection, this is a random natural phenomenon that can make plants and animals adapt better or worse to the enviromental conditions. This cause that the beneficiaries can adapt, survive and reproduce and became the most prevalent after generations.
Mutations are not phenomen that occur because the living being needs it, but rather they are phenomenon that occur at random at any time and determine the possibility of survival.
A decrease in food availability will do the contrary, decrease the variation in a population because it makes that only those who manage to adapt to eat another food survive, for example.