The influenza epidemic killed millions in WWI.
The answer is Henry Stack Sullivan (1953). In difference to other psychoanalytic theorists who focused almost exclusively on parent-child relationships, Sullivan contended that friends are significant in influencing the development of children and adolescents. In addition, the developmental changes in self-disclosing conversations of Sullivan upsurge melodramatically with associates whereas decreasing in a similarly melodramatic fashion with parents.
Atoms gain energy as a solid changes to a gas.
Atoms gain energy as a solid changes to a gas because due to energy the atoms moves against the attractive force. If the atoms loses all the energy, then it converted again into solid due to attractive forces which pulled molecules together. So we can say that atoms gain energy as a solid changes to a gas or in other words, atoms loses energy as a gas changes to a solid.
have kids? hubby, and house responsibilities, who comes 1st in your life??
friends, or you, with children usually come first..friends come last on list. focus on your family. friends disappear, and dont want to hear about your problems..
getting away for brief moments focuses on self improvements, building lasting friendships, and doing things that consider yourself, and "friends" makes way for better communication with spouse...