The focus of classical and operant conditioning is on external stimuli, responses and reinforcement; the focus of the cognitive learning approach is on internal thoughts and expectations of learning.
Classical and operant conditioning focus on the observable, such as <em>conducts and behaviors</em> the individual carries out. Both conditioning types try to produce a specific behavior on the individual through <em>stimulus, responses and reinforcement. </em>
Meanwhile, the cognitive learning approach, as the name states, focuses on the individual's cognition, meaning <em>its internal functions and processes,</em> saying there's more to the individual than what is observable. It focuses on one's <em>expectations</em> regarding learning.
UK has not recorded much number of Racism as Italy and USA so I agree with them 50%
Explanation:The overconfidence effect occurs when one's subjective confidence exceeds one's own ability to peform. It occurs when someone is too confident that they don't even consider the reality of things happening. Jamie can make a prediction that she will do 100 % well in her exam but that would be an overconfidence effect because the reality is she can't be 100% sure that she did that well until she actual sees the exam scores.
Como persona asertiva no agredes ni te sometes a la voluntad de otras personas: Para interpretar esta oración, puede utilizar un collage de imágenes e ilustraciones que muestren a personas trabajando en equipo o ayudándose entre sí. En otras palabras, podemos decir que estarás mostrando a alguien que trabaja junto a tus compañeros, sin pelear con la gente y sin someterse a actividades y cosas que no quieres.
Como persona asertiva expresas tus opiniones y defiendes tus derechos: Para interpretar esta frase, puede utilizar imágenes e ilustraciones de momentos que muestran a minorías sociales, o líderes de grupos sociales minoritarios, realizando protestas, huelgas y discursos. Como ejemplo, puede usar fotos de Martin Luther King, fotos de la marcha por los derechos civiles, fotos de mujeres sufragistas y una foto de alguna personalidad militante en su país.
Como persona asertiva no buscas ganar sino llegar a un acuerdo: Para interpretar esta frase, puedes utilizar imágenes de líderes políticos llegando a un acuerdo, personas compartiendo recursos que tienen, deportistas compartiendo podios, fuertes símbolos de acuerdos globales, entre otros. Demostrar que para que se produzca el avance social es importante saber ponerse de acuerdo, compartir y hacer acuerdos.
The correct answer is compulsion.
In terms of addictions, compulsion refers to an intense and overwhelming urge to do something. Addictions lead to compulsions to perform an action and fulfill one's urges. In this instance, despite having something else scheduled at the time of his workout, Steve feels compelled to give into his addiction (exercising) by trying hard to find time for it.