because both Spain and Portugal established colonial empires during the 15th century
The correct answer is B. Doing things for the common good
Civic virtue comprises qualities and behaviors focused on supporting the community and society rather than individual interests. This concept is related to active citizenship and includes acting to support the common good in contrast to supporting the individual good. This may include helping vulnerable people in the community, volunteering, creating projects, or similar to solve problems that affect many citizens, among others. In this context, the correct option is B because doing things for the common good is exactly the focus of civic virtue.
Las Guerras fransesas o-indias son el conjunto de conflictos en América del Norte paralelos a diversas guerras dinásticas europeas. En Quebec son conocidas normalmente como Guerras intercoloniales. Mientras que sólo algunas de las guerras afectaron a España y los Países Bajos; el Reino Unido, sus colonias, los nativos americanos y Francia y sus colonias participaron en los cuatro conflictos. Estas guerras forman parte de la Segunda Guerra de los Cien Años entre Francia e Inglaterra (1688–1815). Las colonias francesas y británicas en América crecían continuamente, lo que provocaba problemas por el control de los distintos territorios. Cuando los países europeos entraban en guerra, sus colonias también participaban, aunque las fechas no siempre coinciden exactamente
The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 1267, creating the so-called al-Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions Committee, which links the two groups as terrorist entities and imposes sanctions on their funding, travel, and arms shipments. The UN move follows a period of ascendancy for al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, who guided the terror group from Afghanistan and Peshawar, Pakistan, in the late 1980s, to Sudan in 1991, and back to Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. The Taliban, which rose from the ashes of Afghanistan’s post-Soviet civil war, provides al-Qaeda sanctuary for operations.