A. Exodus
Moses He led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt; this event is known as the Exodus. The Hebrew Bible says that Moses died before reaching Canaan
A. English colonist needed slaves to work in plantations
The Containment Strategy was the principal strategy adopted by the US in foreign policy matters during the Cold War era.
It aimed to stop the expansion of the national enemy: communism, and in turn, of the URSS and the countries under its influence, that were denominated the Eastern Bloc. It consisted on responding to any attempt of expansion performed by the URSS, seeking to spread communism in Eastern Europe, Korea, China Africa, Vietnam, and Latin America.
Rosa Parks (1913-2005) performed an act of insurrection when she refused to stand up and give her bus seat, located the bus section that was supposed to be for black passengers, to a white woman after the bus driver requested her to do so because the white section of the vehicle was already full. This happened in Montgomery in 1955. She was arrested for violating the segregation laws from Alabama.
Her action and subsequent arrest triggered the start of the Montgomery Bus Boyycott, as a social protest within Civil Rights Movement that lasted from 1955 to 1956 and aimed to end segregation in US public facilities.