these are kinda good lol. BUT don't use these if the person is respectfully trying to settle things. Do use them if they cheated on you or worse ;)
sorry yan lang alam ko pa brainliest ANSWER
अज { masculine }
अज back translations:
अजा { noun feminine }
छाग { masculine }
एक दुधारू मादा चौपाया
एक शाकाहारी रोमंथक पशु जो दूध और मांस के लिए पाला जाता है
Show declension of बकरीchr:बकरी
Similar phrases in dictionary Hindi Sanskrit. (1)
वह बकरी है
वह बकरी है
Example sentences with "बकरी", translation memory
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Showing page 1. Found 1 sentences matching phrase "बकरी".Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.
The number of workers for each person receiving Social Security benefits is called the DEPENDENCY RATIO. An increase in the dependency ratio increases the burden on the productive part of the population and has a direct direct impact on financial expenditures on things like <span>social security.</span>
all species were derived from ancestral group