I think I understand your question, but you question has so many errors in it that it doesn't really make sense.
H and J
F With great diversity comes and increase in species
G with an increase of animals there is an increase in competition not a decrease
H and J both seem right since the more animals the more competitive it is for space and food
Hello there!
Let's take for example plastic, plastic would take a good while for it to decompose. It wouldn't make sense for it to be "food produce" because food does decompose very quickly. Wood could be the answer, but wood wouldn't take that long for it to decompose, all it could use is some constant water and rain, and then the wood would then give old and just decompose. But even thought that is the case, wood cuttings would be the answer.
Vegetable peels would not take a long time.Most likely, they are probably to fastest in this list above. So, based from your options, your correct answer would be (wood cuttings).
(option a) would be your answer.
I hope you found this helpful
Respiratory system helps in breathing and it leads to exhalation of the gas carbon dioxide which is not required by the body. The integumentary system is the first line of defense and protects the body from invadig microbes, dust, and other harmful substances. The digestive system protects the body by enabling digestio of food and providing energy to sustain, further the toxic waste materials are also released during the process.