<span>Atelectasis Compression. Collapse of lung tissue caused by external
pressure exerted by a tumor, fluid or air in the pleural space. </span><span>Respiratory
failure characterized by acute lung inflammation and diffuse alveolocapillary
injury. It is not secondary to heart failure! Thus, it is referred to as
Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema.</span>
Graduated cylinders because you can put liquid in it
The nucleotide sequence of a DNA codon is TAG. In an mRNA molecule transcribed from this DNA, the codon has the sequence 5'-<u>AUC-3'</u>. In the process of protein synthesis, a transfer RNA pairs with the mRNA codon. The nucleotide sequence of the tRNA anticodon is <u>3'-UAG-5'</u>. The amino acid attached to the tRNA is <u>Isoleucine</u>.
In the process of protein synthesis the mRNA contains the sequence of nucleotides —transcribed from the DNA— that defines the sequence of amino acids that a synthesized protein will have.
Codons are triplets of nitrogenous bases present in mRNA, which encode an amino acid, as well as the start and end of protein synthesis.
Anticodons correspond to triplets of bases present in transfer RNA (tRNA), which correspond with mRNA codons. tRNA is responsible for coupling amino acids to the polypeptide chain being synthesized. In view of this:
<em>- DNA triplet: TAG</em>
<em>- Codon mRNA: 5'-AUC-3'
<em>- Anticodon tRNA: 3'-UAG-5'</em>
<em>- Amino acid: Isoleucine</em>
1/1024 is the proportion of the F2 genotypes will be recessive for all five loci
When crossing between both parents, all genotypes will give us 100% AaBcCcDdEe. When a self-fertilization is performed this means that it can have a cross for example of two flowers of the same plant with the genotype AaBcCcDdEe In this way, given the law of independent segregation which states that the alleles of two or more different genes are distributed in the gametes independently of each other. The proportion that at this junction the alleles are aa (1/4) bb (1/4) cc (1/4) dd (1/4) and ee (1/4). The proportions (1/4)* (1/4)*(1/4)*(1/4)*(1/4) are multiplied, obtaining a value of 1/1024