When you shut down your electronic, all your open programs close and the electronic shuts down your operating system. An electronic that's shut down uses almost no power. In sleep mode, the electronic enters a low-power state. The electronics state is kept in memory.
There are two standard colors for a text in a them
When the transmission exceeds 667 packets
In computer networking, a packet is a chunk of data transmitted across the network. The packet size of an Ethernet network is 1.5kilobytes, while the packet size of an IP packet payload is 64 kilobytes.
A switch is a physical network device that connects nodes or workstations while communicating the packets (or frames). The I/O bus size bandwidth is 1Gbps which allows approximately 667 packets. Once this packet size is crossed, the bus becomes a limiting factor or bottle neck.
Lights of New York was the 1928 what film was the first all talking feature.