I couldn't find options to this question online but I will give you an explanation so you can choose the correct answer.
The term multimedia refers to something that uses multiple media simultaneously when transmitting information.
Examples of this can be:
- photographs
- sounds
- text
- video
Multimedia frames the objects and systems that use multiple physical or digital media to transmit content. It also refers to the media that store and disseminate these types of content.
E is the correct answer.
Risk is present, always. Risk can be good or bad. There is a risk you could win the lottery.
Furthermore, how we perceive risk is different than what risk is actually there.
Risk can be shared amongst members of a group or company and the amount of risk can be altered or ameliorated.
Risk can always be managed.
E is the correct answer.
A custom sofware is a computer program or website written <span>specifically for your company,</span>
A. While new media is dependent on whether users function in real-time or delayed mode, feedback is not as timely when communication is asynchronous.
Asynchronous communication can be defined as a data communication technique in which exchange of data between a sender and a recipient isn't in real time.
There's usually a time lag, meaning it doesn't require the recipient to respond immediately.
For example, responding to an email or text several hours later.