Its A. The house is in a very secluded area
I was thinking it was the nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egyptian leader General Gama l Abdel Nasser in July 1956
'Their diet was mainly meat and wild animals.' Hunter Gatherers
'They owned land and property' Farmers
'They depended in domesticated plants and animals for food.' Farmers
'They did not own many things.' Hunter Gatherers
1. Farmers would live off of domesticated animals, not wild.
2. Hunter Gatherers had to gather things, so they most likely wouldn't stay in one place for long. And farmers need land to farm.
3. Farmers tend to not hunt, but keep lifestock.
4. Like what I said about two, they had to go hunt for their food, and owning a bunch of idioms would make on the go trips slow and weigh the person down.