Answer: From smallest to largest, the order is nitrogenous base, nucleotide, codon, gene, chromosome, nucleus, and cell.
The energy balance of our body is mediated by catabolic and anabolic reactions, the energy absorption of food translates into the energy currency necessary to maintain vital signs, fundamental muscle contractions and special muscle contractions for locomotion.
This energy is measured through the basal metabolic rate, which some may not have balanced due to endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, this basal metabolism is the first to be affected by systemic diseases.
craving is the correct answer to the question i think
Withholding some valued privileges is one method of child discipline.
Another form of punishment could include grounding whereby the child will be restricted from going anywhere or doing anything.
Grounding can also involve isolation, the child is made to stay away from everyone else.
Natural consequences can also come into play, this means that if the child is always late for breakfast or dinner, then they will not eat, instead, they will be made to stay hungry.