B, it was when the western pioneers moved east to discover new land to grow crops and make population XD
White settlers marched further westward towards the Pacific, inspired by the concept of Manifest Destiny, which believed that European Americans were divinely destined to occupy the whole North American continent. As they did so, they increasingly clashed with Native American Indians for land and natural resources, particularly when the discovery of gold in western regions triggered the Gold Rush. Prospective gold miners flocked to the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest, fighting – often violently – with the Native Americans they met.
A centrally planned economy oppose these basic economic characteristics- Property owned by private individuals, Market pricing determination by supply and demand forces, encouragement of competition among the companies and providing a wide range of choice to consumer.
The first constitution of the United States was named "The Articles of Confederation"
This constitution was was drafted by the second continental congress and ratified by all 13 states in 1781. It was named so because the plan was to bring different states together under one National Government in order to have a perfect union and promote the general welfare of the people, amongst many other things.
The Proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators