displacement-hidden cost
There is a supported notion that crime do not simply disappear, but it relocates after any prevention initiative or police patrols are beefed-up. In this case instead of eliminating the crime, displacement-hidden cost would occur, as the individuals committing the crime will clearly move from the area of preventive focus to another area where there are no crime prevention measures yet.
The Allies saw the German military strength as powerful, but not innovative, thinking they would mirror the war of 1914.
During the first phase of the war, the French High Command pivoted the war strategy, but they were hindered in their fear of repeating the trench war of 1914. Thus their strategy was entirely defensive, hoping that the German military (no matter its power) would crash against the Allied superior numbers and its defenses (in short the Maginot Line).
They were sure that technology was not adavanced enough to overcome certain natural spaces, and though short of the German innovativenes, that was the cause of the attack through the Ardennes, and then the pincer movement that would lead to Dunkirk and the French defeat and surrender in 1940.
The Virginia plan was a plan based on assigning representation to congress based on population sizes. Many small states had deemed this unfair and therefore if the plan had been adopted today, <u>states with larger population would benefit.</u>
a. Equity theory
Equity theory: The equity theory is based on the concept that people usually get motivated through fairness, and in case a person finds inequity in either output or input ratios of himself or herself concerning the significant or referent group, then the person will seek to adjust accordingly to get perceived equity.
The motivational theory that most closely correlates with your actions is equity theory.
A symbol is an object or an image that represents something else besides what it is materially. Usually, there is no connection between the object and what it represents but there is a consense among the people that it is that way. It also allows people to go beyond what is known and create linkages between different concepts and experiences.
I hope this answer helps you.