B) and D) are the correct answers
Hadalpelagic zone contains life such as amphipods
, snailfishes and cusk-eels.
Epipelagic zone is the ONLY zone where visible light and algae can be found. Lower than that the amount of light is insufficient for plants to carry out photosynthesis.
The mesopelagic zone has a diverse biological community that includes unique organisms adapted to live in a low-light environment including fish like
the blobfish, bristlemouths or the tasselled anglerfish.
C) esophagus - moves air from the nose into the lungs
The oesophagus is a muscular tube with a sphincter valve at each end. Its main function is to transport food and fluid, after being swallowed, from the mouth to the stomach.This is propelled from the pharynx into the oesophagus, and towards the stomach in a peristaltic waves. The peristalsis also pushes food along the alimentary canal
Since the origin of humans on this planet, they have been trying their best to make their lives easier on this planet. In doing so, human activities have some how heavily damaged the Earth. Many day to day activities of humans are dangerous for the Earth.
Some of the consequences of human activities on the Earth's fresh water are :
Extinction of many aquatic species:
The water consumed by humans comes from the fresh water oceans. As the population of humans is increasing enormously, the water from the oceans is being consumed at dangerous levels. This has caused many species of aquatic animals to become extinct or to be at a verge of extinction as they do not have a habitat to survive or reproduce.
Many heavy industries, house sewage, farmers dispose waste into the fresh water. Hence, killing aquatic animals and polluting the fresh water ecosystems.