Answer: Industrialisation is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial society. This involves an extensive re-organisation of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing
"Sweater" is the factor that is most likely influencing the decision to wait because it probably isn't cold enough for a sweater yet (I think?)
The correct answer is ENRON.
Going back to December 2, 2001, is going back to one of the biggest scandals in economic history. That day, the energy company Enron declared bankruptcy. First global energy distributor, invoiced 100,000 million dollars annually.
Jeffrey Skilling, the mind behind accounting, did his last master move badly. Before the bankruptcy they were seen coming, he resigned his position alleging family reasons and sold the shares he had in the company. Four months later came bankruptcy. Supposedly, he didn't know anything about the critical situation of the company. He did not strain.
In 2004 he was charged with about thirty charges, including operating with confidential information, by selling about 60 million dollars in Enron shares before bankruptcy, deceiving the auditor or conspiracy.
tell the cops and sue her hopefully if you win you could get money