For some reason I have a little bit of doubt that this is related to your schoolwork, however this is important to learn to not do so by mistake. This would take a few minutes of inhaling fumes and is a very painful way to die. Even if it doesn't kill you, exposure can lead to brain damage and chemical burns. 5-10 minutes of non ventilated inhaling.
Answer: The family members, friends, neighbors, teachers, and other people to whom a child interact are the co-constructors.
Child ecosystem comprises of different social elements and personalities with whom the child is related and interact. The child may learn, and develop psychological skills and abilities through such interactions. The co-constructors of the Child's ecosystem involve members of the family, friends, teachers, neighbors they interact with child and the child gets negative and positive experiences with them.
Always think better. For example think of it this way, you may not be alive tomorrow, appreciate what you have.
Also you can just do what you want, once you die, you cant do the things you wanted.
Ulcers, pancreatitis. Esophageal inflammation and/rupture, acid reflux (resulting from vomiting) "Bulimia teeth" or tooth decay and staining (caused by stomach acids/frequent vomiting)
First step- Always check the surrounding for safety
Second step- approach the person and see if he or she is Conscious
Third step- begin CPR 30 presses for 3 Cycles
Fourth step- have your partner set up the AED while you keep CPR going
Fifth step- once your partner hears a loud sing he will yell clear and you stop compressions and stand clear from the person, once he pressed the button for the shock and shock goes through Immediately
Begin chest compressions again